在您的 CoreCommerce 网站上设置和运行即时聊天服务非常简单。 Provide Support 即时聊天软件与 CoreCommerce 购物车网站的集成仅需几分钟时间即可完成。 按照下列步骤操作,使用先进的通信技术提升在线商店的实力:
- First of all you'd need to get the code for your live chat button. For this, please follow the My Account / Chat Button Codes page, click there 'Fully Featured Chat Button Code with Uploadable Online / Offline Images' and copy it.
- Now log into your CoreCommerce admin
- Follow there Design / Edit HTML / CSS
- In Edit HTML / CSS choose footer.html as a file to edit
- Scroll down to File Actions and insert your live chat button code before closing
tag - Now publish your changes and check how the live chat button looks on your website
- 您可以在帐户控制面板的帐户设置 / 图片页面上更换即时聊天按钮的图片
- 要设置为在线状态并开始为您的网站访客提供帮助,请下载并安装 Operator Console, 然后使用您的操作员凭据登录。
- 您可以在 Provide Support 帐户控制面板我的帐户 / 操作员和部门页面中自定义您的操作员配置文件