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Provide Support是一家美国本土公司,专业运营在线客服系统20余年, 客户遍布全球各个市场和行业。他们使用我们的在线客服工具客户客户提供在线及时聊天,改善了客户关系、增加了收益、提高了品牌辨识度并降低了销售和售后支持成本。

以下机构在网站上使用了 Provide Support ® 服务。我们非常感谢他们能让我们了解他们对于该服务的看法,并允许我们在本页面上张贴他们的评论。

Feedback from
Roland Thomas | CEO

"I have tried several chat apps for our business at BIOAGE. None came close to Provide Support in terms of features and ease of use, oh and at very reasonable cost. Just this weekend alone I was able to close a few sales that easily paid for the quarterly fee. Don't hesitate to try it, you'll never want to remove it."

Feedback from Physician’s Plan Weight Loss & Wellness
Kim Uyak | Director of Operations

Physician’s Plan Weight Loss & Wellness

"We have used Provide Support for 10-years. It has been vital in answering new patient inquiries on our website. Our patients and prospects appreciate being able to chat with a real team member to answer their questions and assist with their needs. The platform is easy and flexible for our team members. I also like the ability to see the transcripts to use as coaching tools for training purposes. Customer Support has always been great too! Overall a great value for the cost! Thank you!"

Feedback from
Carla Wells

"I am the main user of the online chat system we have in place with your company.
Very user friendly, sending files, etc.
Love the live interaction with resolving customer issues as they're shopping online.
Also like the receipt of the entire dialogue to reflect back to.
Zero complaints!

Thank you!"

"We've used Provide Support for many years now. We've changed our website design many times and always kept Provide Support as a key feature. Provide Support allows us to reach many more guests during hours when our office is closed and allows for guests to get quick information when they have a question. Our staff can easily use Provide Support and it is very customizable to match our brand and style."

Feedback from Autecno
Raul Ramirez R.


"Provide Support For more than 9 years it has been part of our commercial support team, during all these years it has accompanied us in our growth, it is certainly part of our digital strategy, it is the entrance of our clients as one of the most important channels to be In our business, our sites are visited by thousands of customers every day and Provide Support is there to help us with these customers. It is definitely as we mentioned at the beginning an important pillar of our company."

Feedback from Eakes Office Solutions
Ryan Hand | Information Systems Manager

Eakes Office Solutions

"Eakes has been using Provide Support for the past 7 years and love the product as well as their support. We use it to keep in touch with our online shopping customers. I would highly recommend Provide Support to other business as it is easy and clean for setup as well as maintaining the professional look. 5 out of 5 for sure."

Feedback from DLL Informática Ltda.
Antonio Carlos Santoro Martins | Director

DLL Informática Ltda.

"Somos clientes da Provide Support a muitos anos e estamos totalmente satisfeitos com solução de comunicação.
Já faz parte do dia a dia a comunicação de nossos clientes com nossa empresa pelo Chat, fato que diminuiu sensivelmente o volume de ligações telefônicas, e-mails ou Zap, resolvendo de maneira rápida as solicitações de nosssos Clientes.
Nossos Clientes veem como parte integrante da identidade visual de nossa página o ícone "Chat Online"
Como diretor da DLL Informática, acompanho regularmente as conversas e avaliações dos atendimentos, sempre exigindo uma linguagem altamente profissional, bem como um pronto atendimento.
Utilizamos a ferramenta para convidar visitantes de uma maneira ativa, e conseguindo com isso bons resultados."

Feedback from CCCS of Buffalo, Inc.
Mark Twarog | Vice President - Information Technology

CCCS of Buffalo, Inc.

"We have been using Provide Support for several years and have found it to be incredibly helpful for staff and clients. It is very easy to set up and use. Staff are able to use canned responses that we have found to help our clients get the exact answer they are looking for. I don't think we have had a single issue for as long as we have used it. Provide Support simply WORKS! The price cannot be beat for all of the advanced features you receive. If you are looking for a secure chat software for your website, look no further."

Feedback from NIIT Limited UK
Lalit Rana

NIIT Limited UK

"We has been using ProvideSupport for the last 2 years as a chat tool for one of our customers in the Managed Training Services space. The beauty of the tool is its ease of use, it's flexibility/customization and it's just perfect for our business needs, be it configuring it to work for multilingual customer support, receiving offline messages, getting chat transcript to our CRM or integrating with the customer's platform to initiate chat.

Their support staff is one of the best we have ever seen.

Thank you ProvideSupport and keep up the good work."

Feedback from The Accel Group
Lynne DeVore | Partner, Chief Operating Officer

The Accel Group

"We have been using Provide Support for several years and it suits our needs perfectly. The website is very user-friendly and you can add or subtract employees with ease. I like that we can upload our account managers' actual photos so the customer experience feels more personal. The staff has always responded well to being able to service customers through a chat. From a management standpoint, I can tell at a glance whether my staff are logged in or not and I am able to receive a copy of each transcript for quality assurance. I would highly recommend this product."

"Modern Office has been using Provide Support for nearly ten years on both and
Provide Support is easy to use, customizable, and reliable. Their support people have been very helpful and responsive in the few times we needed assistance or advice.
We recommend Provide Support for any company looking for a live chat solution for their online store."

Feedback from PlanHub
Kevin Priddy | President/CEO


"We have been using Provide Support since 2009 and we are very satisfied with the service. Our website has over 30,000 visitors per day and Provide Support’s live chat program allows us to interact with hundreds of users each day and handle their customer service needs. We love the ability to see exactly the current page a user is on as well as their location and internet browser. It helps us expedite every customer service request. We also like the Geo-location so we can see what parts of the country our visitors are located at any given moment. We are very happy with Provide Support and will continue to utilize their service for many years to come."

Feedback from GROM Audio
Yelena Kouz

GROM Audio

"We, GROM Audio, developer and manufacturer of car audio infotainment systems and Bluetooth car kits, have been using Provide Support since 2010. We use Provide Support to help our customers navigate through our website, find the product that they need, answer to their technical questions and deliver high quality customer service.

Provide Support tool is easy to use, for both our support agents and the customers. The interface is intuitive and user friendly. We also have seen the improvements to the software over the years, with many new features being implemented. Overall our experience with Provide Support is very positive."

Feedback from Resellers Panel
Yan Ashton

Resellers Panel

"We have been using ProvideSupport for years (since 2011) . We are a web hosting provider mainly for resellers and the highly customizable chat ProvideSupport offers has answered our highly unusual business model so we can provide support to the clients of our resellers on more than 150k active stores without compromising the white label reselling we offer.

Their support staff is always on the level and are very helpful with general support questions as well as integration support.

We are very happy with the service and we plan to continue using ProvideSupport for at least another decade :).

Keep up the good work guys!"

Feedback from Perfect Shutters, Inc.
David Thomas

Perfect Shutters, Inc.

"Provide Support has been a very helpful tool for our company. Previous to using Provide Support our Customer Service personnel spent several hours a day on the phone. Now they can have a very quick, simple online discussion that can usually be answered with a "canned" answer. It makes their life easier and more productive."

Feedback from Bloss & Dillard, Inc.
Tate Tooley | IT Manager

Bloss & Dillard, Inc.

"Provide Support’s live chat feature has allowed us to offer an additional channel through which our customers can contact us. One very handy feature is the canned responses. We are able to send required documents to our customers via direct weblinks by embedding them right into the canned response. So when our customers click on the link it takes them directly to the online form versus having to send them a pdf that has to be downloaded and opened."

Feedback from The CHI Company
Matthew Chitiea | President

The CHI Company

"The CHI Company sells beverage & fluid related parts and fittings to a worldwide clientel. Correct information to service our customer correctly is paramount in satisfying their needs. Provide Support online chat is fully integrated with our website to achieve that goal; getting our customers the right part and the right size.
The CHI Company's customers use the online chat feature on a daily basis. By having the ability to converse, in real-time, with the customer, we are able to ascertain the customer's needs, allay any doubts they have about a purchase and insure complete customer satisfaction with the order.
Provide support really is a Chi Company partner in our operations."

Feedback from Elijah Tooling Inc.
Rick Miller | President

Elijah Tooling Inc.

"We have been using Live Chat Provide Support since 2009 without any issues. Day in/ Day out the service is rock solid. Although, for us, it doesn’t generate direct sales, it DOES afford another way to support our customers, especially if they need an answer “right now”. This avenue allows us to meet our customer at their point of need, which is sufficiency enough to continue the service."

Feedback from Cuyahoga Community College – Eastern Campus, EEC 227
Kristina Vild | Director – College Information & Enrollment Support Center

Cuyahoga Community College – Eastern Campus, EEC 227

"We have been a long standing customer to Provide Support. On average we receive approximately 20,000 live chats per year. Provide Support has helped us to quickly and efficiently answer questions. The software is easy to install, user-friendly and their customer service is outstanding. I would highly recommend Provide Support as a cost effective way to communicate with your customers."

Feedback from UNITED Static Control Products
Steve R Cooter | President

UNITED Static Control Products

"United SCP has had a "live support" features on our websites for many years. We were so used to paying the $59.00 per month for a single user that we just thought "that's the way it goes" until we started shopping it out. We were astounded by the variety of providers but settled on Provide Support due to their outstanding customer support, ease of implementation and the variety of tools that they have available. My Company is rapidly expanding, we aren't huge but have a big footprint. Client's come to us for the same reason I went with Provide Support. When we need them they are there for us with a great product and accurate, timely information that we can take to the bank. I've watched as our sales team have closed clients using only Provide Support. It's impressive. I wish I would have given them this tool earlier. For us Provide Support = increased sales."

Feedback from Safelincs Ltd
Stuart Baxter | Commercial Development Manager

Safelincs Ltd

"Safelincs prides itself on market leading customer service. Prior to offering a live online chat we always felt there was a void that fell in between phone support and email queries and the ProvideSupport chat system fills that void perfectly. The installation of the system and the admin panel is very user friendly and we like the personalisation options for our team of operators.

The live chat system is now an integral tool for our customer service team and for our customers and allows us to offer just another way of getting in touch and communicating. We have recommended ProvideSupport to other organisations as we feel the service far outweighs the cost."

Feedback from Blackfoot
Windy Petersen | Customer Operations Supervisor


"Provide Support's on-line chat has empowered our customers, given them a choice in tools for reaching Blackfoot. Business has become 'on the go' and having this channel of support has enabled an easily accessible portal to Blackfoot, for our clients, while allowing Blackfoot to maintain an interacting customer service experience."

Feedback from Florida State University
David Letourneau | Service Desk Support Technician
Information Technology Services

Florida State University

"Information Technology Services (ITS) at Florida State University uses this feature at the Service Desk level to provide our customers (including faculty, staff, students, alumni, prospective students, and visitors to our university) assistance with IT services. An average of ten ITS Service Desk representatives are logged into the Provide Support chat system on a daily basis and our department uses this feature to assist approximately 1,400 customers a year. Our customers have remarked on enjoying the ease of access that this chat feature provides, while our Service Desk representatives find it to be a useful tool and medium through which to assist our customers with their various issues, requests, and concerns. Specifically our Service Desk representatives appreciate and frequently utilize the ability to create, edit, and use canned responses, to invite other agents into active chat sessions, and to view full chat transcripts, all of which enhance our productivity."

“作为一家公司,我们的经验之谈是迄今为止使用 Provide Support 的效果都非常出色!!!无论何时我们联系 Provide Support,都得到了非常好的接待。

答复既准确又有意义,员工在我们的讨论中总是彬彬有礼和耐心十足!!!在线客服 Live chat服务质量极高、用户友好且非常有用。


Feedback from ADE Incorporated
Jim Haggerty | Program Director

ADE Incorporated

"ADE Incorporated has used Provide Support as part of our toolbox for many years. Our customers love it, and the immediacy of our response time has improved our customer service. Using Provide Support is one of the best decisions we have made."

Feedback from London Dental Implant
Agnes Tuba | 总监

London Dental Implant



在线聊天帮助我们的网站访客与我们建立了信任,因此他们更愿意预约会诊。而且,考虑到牙科植入的价格,这意味着 Provide Support 聊天解决方案有非常高的投资回报率...


“Provide Support 帮助我们公司更好地为通过网络订购补给的客户提供了支持。在交易中没有比产品货真价实、物美价廉更好的了。非常感谢。”

Feedback from Carrier Bag Shop
Sujan Shah | 总经理

Carrier Bag Shop

“ProvideSupport 消息系统允许我们的团队采用创新型的崭新方式回答客户的询问。该解决方案设置和使用都非常简单,成本也很低。我们只通过消息系统就能与客户完成整个销售过程。我们的员工使用这一产品能创造更高的效率,因为他们在与客户交谈的同时还能联系其他员工和与人通电话。这对于我们公司的形象也非常有利。人们对于该工具的方便易用非常高兴和印象深刻,因此在与我们交易时也很有信心。我全心全意地愿意向您推荐这款产品。谢谢!”


Feedback from Custom Papers LLC
Anna Popielarz | 总经理

Custom Papers LLC

“Provide Support 难以置信地提高了我们的销售额。我们的客户非常欣赏这一能立即与我们的项目协调员取得联系的方式,以验证我们不是‘机器人’(客户原话),我们可以采用直接的方式(与发送邮件然后等待回复相比)回答他们的提问。反过来说,我们也很欣赏能与客户快速、简单地进行交流的功能;它减少了我们服务器要处理的邮件数量,允许我们保持领先(还是与总是要等待邮件来回,花费时间相比)。



我们迄今为止只遇到过一个关于控制面板的问题;Provide Support 进行了升级,而我们没有,这导致了轻微的故障。但别担心,我们与 Provide Support 操作员进行了五分钟的在线客服 Live chat,就知道了问题在哪里和如何解决。获得协助从来没有这样简单过!

总之,我们的项目协调员已经从怀疑到坚定;在线客服 Live chat明显增加了我们的业务,Provide Support 在线客服 Live chat让我们与客户聊天变得十分容易。我们会向任何正在寻找如何更好地与客户互动(反之,也是在寻求利润增加)的在线企业推荐 Provide Support。”

Feedback from
Jim Drucker | 董事长

“ProvideSupport 支付自己的成本绰绰有余。首先,用户曾经告诉我他们在我的电子商务网站上购买感到非常放心,因为他们可以容易地联系到人。其次,我能够立即回答关于产品的问题,并看到了销售额是如何增长的。再次,如果客户在我的购物车页面停留的时间过长,我可以看到并联系他们,帮助他们完成结算。另外还有其他一些很好的理由:我喜欢 ProvideSupport,包括它无所不知的客户服务部,他们真的知道怎样能帮到您。ProvideSupport 是我网站上绝对的 成功因素。”

Feedback from
Anna Mehrabian

“现在我们在网站上添加 Provide Support 已经有一段时间了,而且客户给了我们非常积极的反馈,他们现在可以实时联系我们,也能更快地得到问题的答复。互联网业务缺少的正是真人之间的联系。这一产品让我们能够提供非常快速的客户服务,从而让我们的形象变得更好。一旦有什么东西让客户印象深刻,难以忘记,他们就容易成为回头客。我们热切向所有在线企业推荐这一工具。”

Feedback from 经典车型地毯
Steph Lunt


“我们专注于基于原始样本为经典车型更换地毯,业务遍及英国、欧洲和美国。Provide Support 聊天软件能帮助我们在最初的聊天询问中确定客户所需的准确图案。车辆相关的特定问题我们以前必须稍后再确定,而现在也可以在一开始直接询问,因此这款软件对我们来说非常有用。A+++ ”

Feedback from
Dino Molter

“非常感谢 Provide Support,它为我们提供了很多我们在使用即时信息产品之前不具备的能力。现在我们能与更多客户进行交流,可以始终在线联系到(从我们的网站和我们的个人邮件签名)。IM 大大降低了我们的免费电话呼叫数量和成本,对于国际市场尤其有帮助。由于我们用聊天会话创建了一个团体,我们在那些 不熟悉我们公司的人中变得更加可靠,现在我能感觉我们与客户的关系更加密切。”

Feedback from The Flag Corporation
Gyan Shah | 董事长 - 商业发展

The Flag Corporation

“在过去几个月内我成为了 Provide Support 一位自豪的客户,我认为这项服务绝对精彩!我真的不能再要求更多了。有了聊天支持后,我更爱我的网站了。它太酷了。


Feedback from Tembria
Don Leclair | 董事长


“我们使用 Provide Support 已经六个多月,从开始使用的第一天起就激动的不能自已。跟我们的许多竞争对手不同,提供优异的技术支持对我们非常重要。Provide Support 的在线支持软件提供了一种绝妙的新方式,让客户和潜在客户可以与我们联系,一有问题,立刻就能获得答复。我们选择 Provide Support 是因为它功能最灵活,使用最高效,价格合理,而且可以按照我们的需求升级。”

Feedback from Studio Style by Collector's Gallery
Kevin Hughes | 销售经理

Studio Style by Collector's Gallery

“我们是一个家族管理的相框、活动文件夹和专业礼品包装的生产企业,管理着多个网站。 每个网站都有不同的客户,并根据分销商和经销商以及最终用户/客户量身定制。 让每位客户可以实时咨询问题是我们成功的秘诀。 我们的经验是让在线聊天功能使客户感觉到如同“真人”为他们提供帮助... 就像在实体店中一样。

我们的网站每天都会开放,因此,让客户觉得购买经历愉快就显得非常重要。 在设计和维护自己的网站方面,某些时候我们对产品太过熟悉,并以此认为每个人都能理解产品的原理和优势。 了解到客户通常会咨询同一个问题后,我们明白必须将这些信息添加到产品功能中,保证客户能够获得 他们期待的产品和服务。

我们比较并深入研究了适合自家网站的不同聊天选项。在聊天窗口中直接上传以及协同浏览器功能使我们最终决定与 Provide Support 合作,而其他公司仅仅 提供聊天功能。这是一笔我们从未后悔的投资。”

Feedback from RTI Software Support
RTI Software Support Team

RTI Software Support

“我们从 2005 年就成为了 Provide Support 的客户,并发现这一产品非常有用。聊天程序允许我们迅速提供高质量的支持,并确保了我们的客户和潜在客户不需拨打长途电话即可问问题或获得技术支持。我们不仅热爱产品和它的能力,而且它的价格和支持也无与伦比。感谢您做出这么杰出的产品,同时还能提供这样出色的支持。”

Feedback from CoverYourCar
Greg Lunt | MD


“现在我们使用 Provide Support 聊天服务已经超过 12 个月,我们对其在上下班时间内提供的客户支持功能和能力都印象深刻。我们是一家全球车罩公司,总部位于英国,随时都要为不同时区的客户提供即时答复。Provide Support 使我们能为客户提供这些服务。在 Coveryourcar 上我们总能为所有客户服务。”

Feedback from
Alex Edwards | COO

“尊敬的 ProvideSupport:
我们从一开始就是您的用户,并且近年来有了很大的增长,我们现在计划添加更多用户到我们的账户。我们昨天刚刚上了 BBC 网站的首页,流量有了极大的增长,高峰期访客达到 2,000+ 人。我们很高兴看到您的“全球地图”功能有作用,并且非常高兴您的服务器能承受这样大的负担。”

Feedback from
Alex Edwards | COO

“在深入研究过在线支持服务后, 非常高兴地找到了 Provide Support 这一简洁的解决方案。 允许全球的个体黄金交易商以现货市场即时价格在线购买和出售金块。这需要潜在客户的高度信任和充分理解。Provide Support 让我们以低成本有效地为全球客户提供高品质的支持,并可以主动与新客户进行接触,带领他们熟悉我们的服务。”