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Chat transcripts is an essential part of any live chat system. Reading and analyzing chat transcripts you can get lots of insights about your customers, your product, and your support team:

  • which website pages chat requests are mostly initiated from
  • which operating systems and browsers your customers prefer
  • when your customers are more or less active
  • most and least productive support agents
  • how many chats were missed
  • your agents qualification level
  • what types of questions your customers have
Chat transcripts viewer application screenshot

How to enable chat transcripts saving

Chat transcripts are not stored on Provide Support servers by default. As soon as the chat has been finished and transcript is sent to all required email addresses, all the chat data is permanently removed from our system.

So if you wish to start storing your chat transcripts on Provide Support servers you need to enable this feature in your account Control Panel. The option is available directly from the account dashboard.

After that you'll be able to enter the transcripts viewer from your account dashboard or via the direct transcripts viewer link: Use your account name and password to login to the app.

How to work with the transcripts viewer

Chat transcripts viewer with enabled filtering screenshot

That's quite easy. Just click on the transcript record in the left pane and read the transcript text in the right pane. Visitor's data and post chat survey results are also available in the right pane, 'Client data' tab.

The transcripts list can be sorted and/or filtered by any column. Click the column title to sort the list. Click the lens icon below the column title to choose the filtering criteria.

What data is available in the transcripts table

Only three columns with the basic chat data are available by default: client name, agents, start date. However more data is available and you'd only need to configure the set of columns best fitting your needs.

The whole list of available columns is the following:

  • Client name
  • Agents
  • Started
  • Client email
  • Called from
  • Chat length
  • Messages in chat
  • Characters in chat
  • IP
  • OS
  • Browser

Use 'field chooser' icon above the transcripts list to configure columns.

How to export chat transcripts

The whole transcript text exporting is available per transcript only. You can download it as a text or HTML file. Use the 'download' icon at the right of the transcript header for this.

Transcripts basic data (such as client name, agents, date, client email if provided, etc.) can be exported in a bulk as a CSV file for future processing. Use the 'download' icon above the transcripts list for this.

What's next?

We are constantly working on improving the transcripts viewer. Our plans for the nearest future are the following:

  • to add transcripts grouping by different criteria
  • to add transcripts permanent removal feature

We also plan to add chats tagging to both agent apps and transcripts viewer. This will help to categorize chats and will make transcripts reviewing more comfortable.